
Law Firm “Efrim, Rosca and Associates” and Soros Foundation-Moldova launches the project “Strengthening the Network of Community Paralegals”

Soros Foundation-Moldova and Law Firm “Efrim, Rosca and Associates” (ERA) launches the joint project “Strengthening the Network of Community Paralegals”. This project aims to improve the professional skills of paralegals through their association and promoting culture of pro bono services provided by lawyers in cases of strategic litigation identified by paralegals.

Currently, the network of paralegals is facing problems of financial stability and sustainability. State budget resources allocated for the network are insufficient to cover their needs for continuous training in various specific areas of interest for beneficiaries in the community. Also, network members mostly did not know each other and do not have any forum for direct communication that would enable them to identify solutions to concrete cases and issues. The current situation requires them to overcome their problems individually as far as possible, which leads to frequent mistakes.

Therefore, the project “Strengthening the Network of Community Paralegals” will focus on the following:
• developing associative culture and providing technical support to the professional association of paralegals;
• development of professional skills of paralegals in consultation on specific cases (back-up lawyers);
• strategic pro bono litigation on cases taken from para-lawyers;
• promoting pro bono culture and mechanisms in the professional environment of lawyers.

The project “Strengthening the Network of Community Paralegals” intends to strengthen the network of paralegals by creating a National Association of Paralegals in Moldova. Existence of a Professional Association will increase the advocacy capabilities of the network of paralegals, needed for the development of the institution of paralegals and its affirmation as a reliable partner of the National Legal Aid Council of State (CNAJGS). It will also give more visibility to the positive impact generated by the services provided free of charge by paralegals in rural communities.

In this project, ERA will focus on involving paralegals in defending and promoting their corporate interests and will contribute to improving the capabilities of legal empowerment of paralegals on specific areas, promoting pro bono legal assistance as a form of legal services provided by lawyers, decreasing discrimination against various marginalized groups as a result of strategic disputes.

The project duration is 11 months. During this period, trainings for paralegals will be organized on specific areas; necessary assistance will be provided in the process of association; communication will be facilitated with public authorities; will be ensured representation in court of beneficiaries of paralegals. Likewise, the regulatory framework and the relevant judicial practice will be analyzed and public policy proposals will be developed etc.

Moreover, ERA shall through strategic litigation attract more supporters for cases they will litigate and therefore will influence the relevant / concerned state authorities to take necessary measures to improve the legal and institutional framework or practices existing in addressing certain issues regarding human rights.

However, a mentoring program will be created for paralegals from a group of licensed lawyers. Thus, para-lawyers will be trained on specific topics depending on the needs of particular groups of beneficiaries (eg .: drug users HIV / AIDS, Romani people, commercial sex workers, etc.); newsletters on specific themes will be drawn up; online and in real time interaction will be ensured between paralegals and a group of licensed lawyers.

The network of Paralegals was created in 2010. During this time, thousands of people succeeded with paralegals to resolve legal issues that have faced, whether it was about inheritance, divorce, social support or property rights.
Currently, the network includes around 40 community paralegals in different rural areas of the country. For more information about community paralegal services, you can found on www.parajurist.md.

The project “Strengthening the Network of Community Paralegals” is implemented by the Law Firm “Efrim, Rosca and Associates” and is co-funded by the Law Program of Soros Foundation-Moldova.